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jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

Three technologies that are changing the sport.

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Three technologies that are changing the sport.

Is Sunday and we sat down to enjoy our snacks and drinks watching live sport, without suspecting the investigations or negotiations on a number of technological and communication advances that will give the sport a great twist in the coming months or years. This article talks about details of three technological developments used the benefit of sports.

The NFL football Live could be enjoyed soon in the comfort of your computer thanks to YouTube. The National Football League officials currently are in meetings with Google, to broadcast selected games. This could be the start of a fast and affordable way to get to enjoy any sporting event anywhere in the world in real time, beyond the TV.

Real -Time Technical Assistance will include those who arbitrate sports and the ones who look with more detailed the information on those goals that have been validated wrongly, offside positions; picks  to questionable fouls in basketball, among others. All this and more immediate problems can be solved with the help of digital technology in real time.

To the soccer referees is in development for at least a decade (not approved by FIFA's decision) the Hawk-Eye, a computer system and video cameras that capture 600 fps the ball's trajectory as a reference to see if entered or not a goal, if you crossed a line, etc. A cool technology that will enable stop wasting time in the sport.

To close this post I will like to comment on Edible Computers, with this they wish prevent sudden death in sport. The most common cases have occurred in soccer, but these problems are present in all sports. First developed by NASA, these edible sensors are the same used in astronauts and contain a quartz crystal micro-battery and wrapped in silicone. It provides information on vital signs such as heart rate and temperature.

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